What Is the Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes in Adults 2024


Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern for many adults and can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. They can make you look tired and affect how you feel about your appearance. Understanding what causes these shadows can help in effectively addressing them.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

Dark circles can result from several factors. Genetics play a crucial role; if your parents have dark circles, you're more likely to have them too. Lifestyle factors such as lack of sleep, high stress, and poor diet can exacerbate the appearance of dark circles. Medical conditions like allergies that cause eye itchiness and sinus problems can also contribute, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun which increases melanin levels around the eyes.

What Are Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

Dark circles are essentially discolored patches that appear under the eyes. They can range from blue to dark brown, depending on skin color and the depth of pigment or blood vessels showing through the skin.

Who Do Dark Circles Under the Eyes Affect?

Anyone can develop dark circles, but they are more common in older adults, those with a genetic predisposition, and individuals from non-white ethnic groups who are more prone to hyperpigmentation. They can affect self-esteem as they might make individuals appear older or more fatigued than they actually are.

Types of Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes can manifest in different ways, each with its own potential causes and characteristics. Here are some common types:

  1. Pigmented Dark Circles: These dark circles are primarily caused by an excess production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. They often appear as brownish or bluish discoloration under the eyes.
  2. Vascular Dark Circles: These dark circles are caused by blood vessels that are visible through the thin skin under the eyes. They can appear as bluish or purplish in color and are often more noticeable in people with fair skin.
  3. Structural Dark Circles: These dark circles are caused by the natural contours and structures of the face, such as hollows or depressions under the eyes, which can create shadows and give the appearance of dark circles.
  4. Shadowy Dark Circles: These dark circles are often caused by factors such as puffiness or swelling under the eyes, which can cast shadows and make the area appear darker.
  5. Fat Pad Dark Circles: As we age, the fat pads under our eyes can shift or diminish, leading to the appearance of hollows or depressions that contribute to dark circles.
  6. Allergic Dark Circles: Allergies can cause dark circles under the eyes due to factors such as rubbing or itching the eyes, which can lead to inflammation and discoloration of the skin.

    Best Under Cream and Gel for Dark Circles In Adults

    There are numerous under eye gel cream designed to reduce dark circles. Look for products containing caffeine, which can constrict blood vessels, and ingredients like vitamin C and retinol that can brighten the under-eye area and promote collagen production. It's important to avoid harsh chemicals that might irritate the delicate skin around the eyes.

    Why Does Aging Cause Dark Circles?

    As we age, our skin becomes thinner and loses collagen and fat, especially around the eyes. This natural aging process makes the reddish-blue blood vessels under our eyes more apparent, thereby deepening the appearance of dark circles.

    How Can Dark Circles Under My Eyes Be Prevented?

    Preventing dark circles involves lifestyle changes like ensuring adequate sleep, managing stress, wearing sunscreen to protect against UV exposure, and maintaining a nutrient-rich diet that supports skin health. Home remedies, such as cold compresses and cucumber slices, can also help reduce puffiness and the appearance of dark circles.



    Q. Why are my dark circles so prominent even with enough sleep?

    A. Genetics and skin pigmentation are significant factors.

    Q. Can dietary changes help?

    A. Yes, increasing your intake of water and foods rich in vitamins like C and K can be beneficial.

    Q. What should I look for in an under-eye cream?

    A. Hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and brightening agents like vitamin C.


    Understanding the multiple causes of dark circles is the first step towards effectively managing them. Whether through cosmetic solutions or lifestyle changes, you can reduce their appearance and boost your confidence. For persistent or severe cases, it's advisable to consult with a dermatologist for tailored treatments or advice.